cmd name nav source _signal
Signature: name:Expr<VmCmd<'Msg>> -> nav:Dispatch<'Nav> -> source:BindingSource -> _signal:ISignal<'Model> -> IObservable<'Msg> option
Type parameters: 'Model, 'Nav, 'Msg
Creates an ICommand (one way property) to a binding source by name which outputs a specific message
cmdIf canExecute name nav source signal
Signature: canExecute:('Model -> bool) -> name:Expr<VmCmd<'Msg>> -> nav:Dispatch<'Nav> -> source:BindingSource -> signal:ISignal<'Model> -> IObservable<'Msg> option
Type parameters: 'Model, 'Nav, 'Msg
Creates an ICommand (one way property) to a binding source by name which outputs a specific message
cmdParam setter name nav source _signal
Signature: setter:('Param -> 'Msg) -> name:Expr<VmCmd<'Msg>> -> nav:Dispatch<'Nav> -> source:BindingSource -> _signal:ISignal<'Model> -> IObservable<'Msg> option
Type parameters: 'Model, 'Nav, 'Param, 'Msg
Creates a parameterized ICommand (one way property) to a binding source by name which outputs a specific message
cmdParamIf (...)
Signature: canExecute:('Model -> bool) -> setter:('Param -> 'Msg) -> name:Expr<VmCmd<'Msg>> -> nav:Dispatch<'Nav> -> source:BindingSource -> signal:ISignal<'Model> -> IObservable<'Msg> option
Type parameters: 'Model, 'Nav, 'Param, 'Msg
Creates a parameterized ICommand (one way property) to a binding source by name which outputs a specific message
collection (...)
Signature: getter:('Model -> 'SubmodelCollection) -> collectionVm:IComponent<'Submodel,'Nav,'Submsg> -> mapper:('Submsg * 'Submodel -> 'Msg) -> name:Expr<'SubmodelCollection> -> nav:Dispatch<'Nav> -> source:BindingSource -> signal:ISignal<'Model> -> IObservable<'Msg> option
Type parameters: 'Model, 'Nav, 'Msg, 'Submodel, 'SubmodelCollection, 'Submsg
Bind a collection as a one-way property, acting as a reducer for messages from the individual components of the collection
comp (...)
Signature: getter:('Model -> 'Submodel) -> componentVm:IComponent<'Submodel,'Nav,'Submsg> -> mapper:('Submsg * 'Submodel -> 'Msg) -> name:Expr<'Submodel> -> nav:Dispatch<'Nav> -> source:BindingSource -> signal:ISignal<'Model> -> IObservable<'Msg> option
Type parameters: 'Model, 'Nav, 'Msg, 'Submodel, 'Submsg
Bind a component as a two-way property, acting as a reducer for messages from the component
createObservableSource ()
Signature: unit -> ObservableBindingSource<'a>
Type parameters: 'a
Create a binding subject for the installed platform
createSource ()
Signature: unit -> BindingSource
Create a binding source for the installed platform
oneWay getter name nav source signal
Signature: getter:('Model -> 'Prop) -> name:Expr<'Prop> -> nav:Dispatch<'Nav> -> source:BindingSource -> signal:ISignal<'Model> -> IObservable<'Msg> option
Type parameters: 'Model, 'Nav, 'Prop, 'Msg
Add a watched signal (one way property) to a binding source by name
oneWayValidated (...)
Signature: getter:('Model -> 'Prop) -> validation:Validation<'Prop,'Prop> -> name:Expr<'Prop> -> nav:Dispatch<'Nav> -> source:BindingSource -> signal:ISignal<'Model> -> IObservable<'Msg> option
Type parameters: 'Model, 'Nav, 'Prop, 'Msg
Add a watched signal (one way validated property) to a binding source by name
self name nav source signal
Signature: name:Expr<ISignal<'Model>> -> nav:Dispatch<'Nav> -> source:BindingSource -> signal:ISignal<'Model> -> IObservable<'Msg> option
Type parameters: 'Model, 'Nav, 'Msg
Add a watched signal that is our entire model to a binding source by name
toExplicit nav source model list
Signature: nav:Dispatch<'Nav> -> source:BindingSource -> model:ISignal<'Model> -> list:(Dispatch<'Nav> -> BindingSource -> ISignal<'Model> -> IObservable<'Msg> option) list -> IObservable<'Msg> list
Type parameters: 'Model, 'Nav, 'Msg
Convert from new API to explicit form
toNav navBinding nav source signal
Signature: navBinding:(Dispatch<'Nav> -> BindingSource -> ISignal<'Model> -> IObservable<'Nav> option) -> nav:Dispatch<'Nav> -> source:BindingSource -> signal:ISignal<'Model> -> IObservable<'Msg> option
Type parameters: 'Model, 'Nav, 'Msg
Creates an ICommand (one way property) to a binding source by name which outputs a specific message
twoWay (...)
Signature: getter:('Model -> 'Prop) -> setter:('Prop -> 'Msg) -> name:Expr<'Prop> -> nav:Dispatch<'Nav> -> source:BindingSource -> signal:ISignal<'Model> -> IObservable<'Msg> option
Type parameters: 'Model, 'Nav, 'Prop, 'Msg
Add a two way property to a binding source by name
twoWayValidated (...)
Signature: getter:('Model -> 'Prop) -> validation:Validation<'Prop,'Prop> -> setter:('Prop -> 'Msg) -> name:Expr<'Prop> -> nav:Dispatch<'Nav> -> source:BindingSource -> signal:ISignal<'Model> -> IObservable<'Msg> option
Type parameters: 'Model, 'Nav, 'Prop, 'Msg
Add a two way property to a binding source by name