

Namespace: Gjallarhorn.Bindable
Parent Module: Bind

Submodule providing API for explicit binding generation from names and signals instead of model/viewmodel

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
componentOneWay (...)
Signature: source:BindingSource -> name:string -> nav:Dispatch<'TNav> -> comp:IComponent<'TModel,'TNav,'TMessage> -> signal:ISignal<'TModel> -> IObservable<'TMessage>
Type parameters: 'TModel, 'TNav, 'TMessage

Bind a component to the given name

constant name value source
Signature: name:string -> value:'?7623 -> source:BindingSource -> unit
Type parameters: '?7623

Add a constant value (one way property) to a binding source by name

createCommand name source
Signature: name:string -> source:BindingSource -> ITrackingCommand<DateTime>

Creates an ICommand (one way property) to a binding source by name

createCommandChecked (...)
Signature: name:string -> canExecute:ISignal<bool> -> source:BindingSource -> ITrackingCommand<DateTime>

Creates a checked ICommand (one way property) to a binding source by name

createCommandParam name source
Signature: name:string -> source:BindingSource -> ITrackingCommand<'a>
Type parameters: 'a

Creates an ICommand (one way property) to a binding source by name which outputs a specific message

createCommandParamChecked (...)
Signature: name:string -> canExecute:ISignal<bool> -> source:BindingSource -> ITrackingCommand<'a>
Type parameters: 'a

Creates a checked ICommand (one way property) to a binding source by name which outputs a specific message

createMessageCommand name message source
Signature: name:string -> message:'?7635 -> source:BindingSource -> IObservable<'?7635>
Type parameters: '?7635

Creates an ICommand (one way property) to a binding source by name which outputs a specific message

createMessageCommandChecked (...)
Signature: name:string -> canExecute:ISignal<bool> -> message:'?7637 -> source:BindingSource -> IObservable<'?7637>
Type parameters: '?7637

Creates a checked ICommand (one way property) to a binding source by name which outputs a specific message

createMessageParam name message source
Signature: name:string -> message:('?7639 -> '?7640) -> source:BindingSource -> IObservable<'?7640>
Type parameters: '?7639, '?7640

Creates an ICommand (one way property) to a binding source by name which outputs a specific message

createMessageParamChecked (...)
Signature: name:string -> canExecute:ISignal<bool> -> message:('?7642 -> '?7643) -> source:BindingSource -> IObservable<'?7643>
Type parameters: '?7642, '?7643

Creates a checked ICommand (one way property) to a binding source by name which outputs a specific message

memberToFromView (...)
Signature: source:BindingSource -> expr:Expr -> validation:Validation<'a,'a> -> signal:ISignal<'b> -> IValidatedSignal<'a,'a>
Type parameters: 'a, 'b

Add a binding to a source for a signal for editing with a given property expression and validation, and returns a signal of the user edits

oneWay source name signal
Signature: source:BindingSource -> name:string -> signal:ISignal<'?7619> -> unit
Type parameters: '?7619

Add a watched signal (one way property) to a binding source by name

toViewValidated (...)
Signature: source:BindingSource -> name:string -> validation:Validation<'?7621,'?7621> -> signal:ISignal<'?7621> -> unit
Type parameters: '?7621

Add a watched signal (one way property) to a binding source by name with validation

twoWay source name signal
Signature: source:BindingSource -> name:string -> signal:ISignal<'a> -> ISignal<'a>
Type parameters: 'a

Bind a signal to the binding source using the specified name

twoWayConvertedValidated (...)
Signature: source:BindingSource -> name:string -> converter:('a -> 'b) -> validator:Validation<'b,'c> -> signal:ISignal<'a> -> IValidatedSignal<'b,'c>
Type parameters: 'a, 'b, 'c

Add a signal as an editor with validation, bound to a specific name

twoWayMutable source name mutatable
Signature: source:BindingSource -> name:string -> mutatable:IMutatable<'a> -> unit
Type parameters: 'a

Add a mutable as an editor, bound to a specific name

twoWayMutableConvertedValidated (...)
Signature: source:BindingSource -> name:string -> converter:('a -> 'b) -> validator:Validation<'b,'a> -> mutatable:IMutatable<'a> -> unit
Type parameters: 'a, 'b

Add a mutable as an editor with validation, bound to a specific name

twoWayMutableValidated (...)
Signature: source:BindingSource -> name:string -> validator:Validation<'a,'a> -> mutatable:IMutatable<'a> -> unit
Type parameters: 'a

Add a mutable as an editor with validation, bound to a specific name

twoWayValidated (...)
Signature: source:BindingSource -> name:string -> validator:Validation<'a,'b> -> signal:ISignal<'a> -> IValidatedSignal<'a,'b>
Type parameters: 'a, 'b

Add a signal as an editor with validation, bound to a specific name

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