Namespace: Gjallarhorn
Parent Module: Signal
Functions and values
Function or value | Description |
copyStep target stepFunction provider
Signature: target:IMutatable<'b> -> stepFunction:('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> provider:ISignal<'a> -> IDisposable
Type parameters: 'b, 'a
Create a subscription to the changes of a signal which copies its value upon change into a mutable via a stepping function
copyTo target provider
Signature: target:IMutatable<'a> -> provider:ISignal<'a> -> IDisposable
Type parameters: 'a
Create a subscription to the changes of a signal which copies its value upon change into a mutable
create f provider
Signature: f:('a -> unit) -> provider:ISignal<'a> -> IDisposable
Type parameters: 'a
Create a subscription to the changes of a signal which calls the provided function upon each change