

Namespace: Gjallarhorn.Bindable

Base class of binding sources


Signature: unit -> BindingSource

CompiledName: .ctor

Instance members

Instance memberDescription
Signature: disposable:IDisposable -> unit

Adds a disposable to track

AddReadOnlyProperty(arg1, arg2)
Signature: (string * Func<'a>) -> unit
Modifiers: abstract
Type parameters: 'a

Adds a read only property, specified by name and getter, to the binding source

AddReadWriteProperty(arg1, arg2, arg3)
Signature: (string * Func<'a> * Action<'a>) -> unit
Modifiers: abstract
Type parameters: 'a

Adds a read and write property, specified by name, getter, and setter, to the binding source

ConstantToView(value, name)
Signature: (value:'b * name:string) -> unit
Type parameters: 'b

Add a readonly binding source for a constant value with a given name

Signature: unit -> ObservableBindingSource<'a>
Modifiers: abstract
Type parameters: 'a

Create a typed observable binding source

Signature: signal:ISignal<'?7334> -> IObservable<'?7334>
Type parameters: '?7334

Filter a signal to only output when we're valid

Signature: bool

Value used to notify the front end that we're idle

CompiledName: get_Idle

Signature: IdleTracker

Value used to notify signal that an asynchronous operation is executing, as well as schedule that operations should execute

CompiledName: get_IdleTracker

Signature: bool

True when the current value is valid. Can be used in bindings

CompiledName: get_IsValid

Signature: bool

Value used to notify signal that an asynchronous operation is executing

CompiledName: get_OperationExecuting

Signature: name:string -> unit

Trigger the PropertyChanged event for a specific property

TrackComponent(name, comp, model)
Signature: (name:string * comp:Component<'a,'b> * model:ISignal<'a>) -> IObservable<'b>
Type parameters: 'a, 'b

Track a component in the view, given a signal representing the model and a name for binding

TrackInOut(name, inout)
Signature: (name:string * inout:InOut<'a,'b>) -> unit
Type parameters: 'a, 'b, 'c

Track an InOut type

TrackInput(name, input)
Signature: (name:string * input:Report<'a,'b>) -> unit
Type parameters: 'a, 'b

Track an Input type

TrackObservable(name, observable)
Signature: (name:string * observable:IObservable<'a>) -> unit
Type parameters: 'a

Track changes on an observable to raise property changed events

Signature: ISignal<bool>

An ISignal used to track the current valid state

CompiledName: get_Valid

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