

Namespace: Gjallarhorn.Bindable.Framework

A platform neutral application framework

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
application model update binding nav
Signature: model:'?7471 -> update:('?7472 -> '?7471 -> '?7471) -> binding:IComponent<'?7471,'?7473,'?7472> -> nav:(ApplicationCore<'?7471,'?7473,'?7472> -> '?7473 -> unit) -> ApplicationCore<'?7471,'?7473,'?7472>
Type parameters: '?7471, '?7472, '?7473

Build an application given an initial model, update function, and binding function

runApplication applicationInfo
Signature: applicationInfo:ApplicationSpecification<'Model,'Nav,'Message> -> unit
Type parameters: 'Model, 'Nav, 'Message

Run an application given the full ApplicationSpecification

withDispatcher dispatcher application
Signature: dispatcher:IObservable<'Msg> -> application:ApplicationCore<'?7480,'?7481,'Msg> -> ApplicationCore<'?7480,'?7481,'Msg>
Type parameters: 'Msg, '?7480, '?7481

Add a dispatch operation from an arbitrary observable to pump messages into the application

withExecutor executor application
Signature: executor:Executor<'Model,'Msg> -> application:ApplicationCore<'Model,'?7489,'Msg> -> ApplicationCore<'Model,'?7489,'Msg>
Type parameters: 'Model, 'Msg, '?7489

Add an execution tracker to this application

withLogger logger application
Signature: logger:('Model -> 'Message -> 'Model -> unit) -> application:ApplicationCore<'Model,'Nav,'Message> -> ApplicationCore<'Model,'Nav,'Message>
Type parameters: 'Model, 'Message, 'Nav

Adds a logger function

withNavigation dispatcher application
Signature: dispatcher:IObservable<'Nav> -> application:ApplicationCore<'?7484,'Nav,'?7485> -> ApplicationCore<'?7484,'Nav,'?7485>
Type parameters: 'Nav, '?7484, '?7485

Add a dispatch operation from an arbitrary observable to pump navigation requests into the application

withSubscription (...)
Signature: subscription:('Model -> unit) -> application:ApplicationCore<'Model,'?7476,'Msg> -> ApplicationCore<'Model,'?7476,'Msg>
Type parameters: 'Model, '?7476, 'Msg

Subscription which is called any time the model is changed. A dispatcher can be used separately to pump messages back to the application if needed

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